Hello there!

I'm Henrik, and I'm passionate about web development. While I've had a background in graphic design, illustration, and technical writing, I've now transitioned my focus to the dynamic world of web development.

My journey into web development began in the autumn of 2021 when I embarked on my educational journey at Chas Academy in Stockholm, Sweden. Over the course of my studies, I've acquired a diverse skill set, I've embraced the challenges and opportunities of this ever-evolving field, also accepting the fact that I will never stop learning.

Throughout my educational journey, I've had the privilege of working on real-life projects and collaborating within teams. We've embraced agile methodologies and harnessed the power of Github for effective project management. One of my core principles has been modularity, ensuring that code resources are reusable and adaptable, fostering efficient development processes.

As I move forward, I aspire to carve a path in web development, solidifying my programming skills and working alongside talented teams to craft web apps and projects. I'm driven to continually refine my programming skills and further develop the projects I'm working on. To explore new methodologies, and leverage the latest tools to create innovative web solutions.

If you share my passion for web development or have an exciting project in mind, I invite you to reach out. Let's connect, collaborate, and make the web a better place together.

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Personal Info

  • Henrik Berglund
  • May 7, 1980
  • Stockholm, Sweden
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Tools im focusing on right now:

Other tools ive worked with: